Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Expect the unexpected


Something we were discussing in class the idea of our daily lives the question came up on how unpredictable they can be. We were asked this question:

"If you knew how your day was going to end up, would you even get out of bed?"

Many times I am walking home at the end of the day and I think, I should have stayed home today. Life can be full of so many surprises, some good and some bad, and you never knew how things are going to end up. I would say that I am a very organized person, and I like to knew where I am going at all times. I feel the need to play everything, something I am pretty sure I inherited from my mother. Down to the smallest detail, I like to know where things are going. More often than not, something always changes, making all of my plans useless, leaving me to go with the flow. It is in these times that I find myself having the most fun! I don't have to worry about sticking to what was planned and making sure that there is time to do everything that was planned.

As much as I enjoy these moments when all plans are thrown out the window, I find myself back to planning the next adventure in my life. I think that deep down I know that my efforts will go unnoticed, as things are bound to change, but the feeling of being in control, even if for a second, so something that I need to do. I think that in life, there is a time for having a schedule and sticking to is, and there is a time to let loose and just do it! Finding the difference between these two and being able to tell which one you are supposed to do at the moment is hard to do, and it is something that will always be a challenge for me.

Literature has a way of keeping us guessing. To instantly read a poem you could think that it is so depressing, or that it is insulting in a way. But to take a second glance at it, you see that the words in front of you mean something completely opposite of what you initially thought. So I ask myself this, would I like to know what a poem is really about before I read it. I would have to say no, mostly because working through a poem and deciding what it means to me is what makes me love even more.

To sum it up, I don't really think that the question of weather to get out of bed really exists in the end. I also don't think that I would benefit from knowing where my day was going, and knowing everything, both good and bad, that will happen on an "average" day for me. I like to be surprised throughout the day, and I wouldn't have it any different. Ultimately, I would decide to always get up and get on with my day; because in the end, the things that make or break my day are the things that I live for.

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