In a penthouse in upstate New York lived a woman named Cindy. Cindy had somewhat of a difficult childhood. Her mother, April, and father, Mike, was in a tragic accident when she was only twenty years old, and unfortunately her mother did not make it. Eventually Cindy’s father recovered and was determined to make Cindy’s life go back to normal, or as normal as was possible. Cindy and her mother had been best friends. Although Cindy missed her very much, she was happy to have her father back, and when he started seeing someone else, she couldn’t have been happier. Her father began seeing his ICU nurse, Linda, and before long, they were married. Linda was known around the hospital for liking the rich doctors, and with the money from his wives death, Mike was her next target. In fact, she had two unruly daughters from a doctor at another hospital, which she made sure paid his child support.
Linda was acting as Mike’s nurse at home so that he could be discharged from the hospital earlier; although, it was Cindy who did most of the work. One weekend when Cindy took a trip to the coast to see some of her friends she got a distraught phone call. He father had passed away due to problems with some of his wounds from the accident. She was shocked, because when she had left, he had been doing just fine. Linda posed as the distraught widow for all to see at the wedding, but the second it was over, her true colors came out. She made Cindy do all the work around the house, while her and her daughters, Misty and Mia, sat around living off all the money they had inherited. The police had ruled Mike’s death as an accident, and no matter what Cindy said, they were not willing to look any further into it.
Months went by with things remaining the same. Cindy did all the work, never complaining, and was treated horribly. Soon Linda received an e-mail about the coming up hospital’s Christmas party. Everyone who was family to any staff was invited, but Linda informed Cindy that she would not be attending. There was simply too much for her to do around the house, and soon Cindy made her peace with that. As soon as Linda and her daughters were ready they left for the party, anxious to meet the new young doctor in town that everyone was talking so much about.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, when Cindy got to the door she saw a box with her name on it. Inside was the most beautiful Louis Vuitton dress she had ever seen, and the instructions told her to get ready, for she was going to that party. She had her chores done, and she figured there would be so many people at the party she could go unnoticed. So Cindy headed to the party dressed to kill. She immediately snagged the attention of the new doctor, Brian, and they hit it off right away. She told him all about losing her mother, and now her father too. He was determined to do everything he could. She explained to him that because of all that was going on in her life she did not have time to be dating, and before he could protest, she was gone.
The next day there was a knock at the door. To the shock of Linda and her daughters, Brian was standing on the other end. He said that he was told that the woman he met at the party the other night lived at this address. Misty and Mia rushed upstairs to do their best to look like Cindy, but the doctor saw right through their attempts. Just as he was about to leave Cindy walked down the stairs, vacuum in hand. Brian smiled and led her to his limousine waiting outside. Together him and Cindy worked through the mysterious death of her father and soon found that someone had given him a lethal dose of sleeping pills, the only one who had the availability to these pills was a nurse, a nurse like Linda. Once the news was leaked to the police they had no choice but to inform the media and arrest Linda for the murder of Mike. After months of court appeals Linda was convicted of murder and put to jail for life. Misty and Mia were left to fend for themselves, leaving all of the inheritance to Cindy. Cindy soon married Brian and they had children of their own. Cindy was finally happy once again.
Monday, June 4, 2007
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