-Repetition: the act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, or presentation.
-Rhyme: identity in sound of some part, esp. the end, of words or lines of verse.
-Rhythm: movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like.
-Signature- personality we bring to a story.
- Cannon- List of approved text.
*What is the secret of making illusions?
- When I think about illusions I think of magic: Magic, including the arts of prestidigitation and conjuring, is the art of entertaining an audience by performing illusions that baffle and amaze, often by giving the impression that something impossible has been achieved, almost as if the performer had magic or supernatural powers. Yet, this illusion of magic is created entirely by natural means. The practitioners of this mystery art may be called magicians, conjurors, illusionists or prestidigitators. Artists in other media such as theatre, cinema, dance and the visual arts increasingly work using similar means but regard their magical techniques as of secondary importance to the goal of creating a complex cultural performance.
- Check out this site for more insight into this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_(illusion)
*Trouble finding words to describe something.
- Having no words to describe something is not a bad thing. Sometimes the things that mean the most to us are the things we can not describe.
*Wikipedia- Don't use other words
- you need to engage yourself, therefore, simply looking something up and pasting it is only going to go so far. We are taught at a young age how to comprehend things, those same things should be put to use when reading anything.
- see archetype structure triangle in notes for a visual aid.
*When to make words more than just words.
*Best words, in best order.
* Matching words to feelings
* 14 lines in a poem to get point across is tricky, must be selective and to the point.
*Archetypes- Shadow cast by the plot (as stated by Rick)
-In the shadows, which one is the correct story? We really don't know, because as we go on, it continues to get more and more murky along the way.
-We lose reality as we move down the triangle, into the Wikipedia definitions.
-Never one or the other, it is always both.
* Yellow Woman, Leslie Silco, pg. 36
-This story made cannon- list of approved text (selective)
-"The good housekeeping seal of approval"
*Have been tested by the best, and given the okay.
*Two levels of a story:
-Regular daily life
-romantic side
-blurs boundaries (between characters)
*Happy Endings, pg. 25
- each story is a different version of the same story, they are all connected somehow.
- one effects the other.
- shift stories from one topic to another
*Little Red Riding Hood
-Charles Pero's version
* has more pending to it.
-Grimm Brothers version
* both get eaten and survive it.
* get two versions.
-Disney version
*romanticizes it
*pg. 640- if you eat flowers you will get a gift (wolf= goddess)
*wolves and snakes always get the bad reputation.
*Enchanted Island- goddess
*movie: The crying game
*Transformation from woman (puberty)
-why is sexuality so vital to stories?
Monday, June 4, 2007
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